Mohammad Hassan Shahid

MS Electrical Engineering
LUMS, Lahore


Mohammad Hassan Shahid is associated with the Department of Electrical Engineering at GIFT University for the past 4 years. He completed his Bachelors in Electrical Engineering from Syed Babar Ali School of Science and Engineering at Lahore University of Management Sciences followed by Master’s degree with Dean’s Honor List distinction. He then moved to Makkah, Saudi Arabia, where he worked as a Researcher at King AbdulAziz Center for Science and Technology, Umm Al Qura University. He worked under the supervision of Dr. Anas Basalameh and Dr. Sohaib Khan where his principle research projects were aimed to provide technological innovative solutions for the betterment and ease of pilgrims.

Teaching Interests

  • Signals
  • Internet of Things
  • Embedded Systems

Research Interests

  • Communication Protocols
  • Scheduler Optimization

Selected Publications

  • Shahid, Mohammad Hassan, and Shahid Masud. "Improved low power scheduler for OSS-7: An open source DASH7 stack." 2015 IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits, and Systems (ICECS). IEEE, 2015.